The Pharaon Logistics


Step 1

Step 2

General Information

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

  • Become a Driver
  • General Information
  • License Details
  • Experience
Personal Information
Residence address for 3+ years?
Upload your CV (Optional)

Max. size: 100.0 MB

Upload relevant files (i.g: Certifications...)

Max. size: 100.0 MB

Are you eligible for employment in the US?
Are you currently employed?
Do you read, write, and speak English?
Have you ever worked for The Pharaon Logistics before?
Do you have a TWIC card?
How did you hear about us?
Personal References
Is this your current driver license?
Is this a commercial driver license?
Were you ever in the U.S. military?
Have you attended a driver training school?
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
Under FMCSR 391.15, are you currently disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle? [49 CFR 391.15]
Has your license, permit, or privilege to drive ever been suspended or revoked for any reason? [49 CFR 391.21(b)(9)]
Have you ever been denied a license, permit, or privilege to operate a motor vehicle?[49 CFR 391.21(b)(9)]
Within the past two years, have you tested positive, or refused to test, on a pre-employment drug or alcohol test by an employer to whom you applied, but did not obtain, safety-sensitive transportation work covered by DOT agency drug and alcohol testing rules? [49 CFR 40.25(j)]
Have you had any moving violations or traffic convictions in the past 3 Years?:
Were you involved in any accidents/incidents with any vehicle in the last 5 years (even if not at fault)?
Do you have criminal charges pending?
In the past three (3) years, have you ever been convicted of any of the following offenses committed during on-duty time [49 C.F.R. 391.15 and 49 C.F.R. 395.2]:
Driving a commercial motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (
Driving under the influence of alcohol, as prescribed by state law:
Refusal to undergo drug and alcohol testing as required by any jurisdiction for the enforcement of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act regulations:
Driving a commercial motor vehicle under the influence of any 21 C.F.R. 1308.11 Schedule I identified controlled substance, an amphetamine, a narcotic drug, a formulation of an amphetamine, or a derivative of a narcotic drug:
Transportation, possession, or unlawful use of a 21 C.F.R. 1308.11 Schedule I identified controlled substance, amphetamines, narcotic drugs, formulations of an amphetamine, or derivatives of narcotic drugs while you were on duty driving for a motor carrier:
Leaving the scene of an accident while operating a commercial motor vehicle:
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?
Work Experience
How many years of experience do you have?
Employer/Contract Information (Latest Job)
Do you still work there? (If yes keep the end date empty)
Were you terminated/laid off?
Is this your current employer?
Did you operate a commercial motor vehicle?